Feel the Pulse of


Play Group

(1.8 to 3 yrs)

When toddlers leave home for the first time, it can be a very emotional experience for both parents and children. Tears and fears are expected, but we at Polygon know just how to put everyone at ease. In no time, those hesitant baby steps will turn into giant strides of progress, and your child will look forward to going to school every day.

As part of the Play Group program, we ensure easy transition from home to school through appropriate activities and outdoor learning that develops skills and supports growth.

We work with child-focused and child inclusive approaches that ‘help children do it themselves’. Free play or fantasy play is encouraged to help children push their creative limits and lend wings to their imagination.


(2.5 to 4 yrs)

The transition from Play Group to Nursery is much easier as children have already experienced a learning environment. This year is all about a journey of exploration and discovery, where we nurture and support, rather than compare and compete.

Children are introduced to pre-reading and pre-writing skills, essential life skills, art and music, as well as activities that trigger curiosity and encourage creativity. Playtime is transformed into opportunities to develop cognitive skills, motor skills, and social skills.

We have the whole year planned and categorised to daily, weekly and monthly activities. That does not mean there’s no room for spontaneous fun and need-of-the hour activities.


(3.5 to 5 yrs)

For children who have been through our formative programs, LKG is the logical stepping stone. But there could also be new entrants who have had no exposure to external learning. Don’t worry, we’re prepared for kids who are readers, kids who
have never seen letters, and everyone in between. We don’t assume they know things, we teach them everything.

In this program, we ensure that children tap into their inner potential and grow at their own pace. Through language development activities children are encouraged to verbalise thoughts feelings and impressions of the world around them.

Our LKG program nurtures the overall personality of the child with ample ideas for communicative learning, hands-on learning activities and learning in a group.


(4.5 to 6 yrs)

By this year, your little learners are growing into young thinkers. Concepts of alphabets, numbers and logical reasoning are consolidated and they learn how to apply them in the right context. To prepare them for the next level, we focus on activities that increase their attention span to step up the pace at which they learn and understand new things.

Reading and writing is complemented by vocabulary building and comprehension. Group activities are organised to encourage conversation in make-believe contexts and the children are called to apply their minds in these situations.

Math concepts and logical reasoning are taught with a very child-centric focus that caters to individual capabilities. Rest assured, we do not take the ‘fun’ out of the fundamentals, so your children will still love the learning process. By the end of the year, they will be well-prepared for a whole new phase of formal schooling.


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